How to customise your Burlap Bag
Image by Tushaar Mehra of this pretty awesome custom camera bag we made him.
At The Burlap People we strongly believe you should be able to get whatever you want. When it comes to bags, as long as there's some burlap involved, we want to make your dream come true. If you find that the designs we already offer do not meet your needs (say you're a knife thrower and need a very special bag with compartments for, or say you're an artist and want something for your paints), then we urge you to get in touch with us. If you want your initials/cat's paw print embossed/an extra pocket/a smaller size? simple - get in touch with us! you can do this by emailing us your specific query at:
or calling/messaging/whatsapping us at:
+91-98 310 40 578
Three custom cats ready to ship. (The middle one is free - just take him.)
Custom labels for our #BurlapAmbassador Aarifah Rebello.